Photo I Session III - March 3, 2026 - April 21, 2026 6:00-8:00 pm Tuesdays

Photo I Session III - March 3, 2026 - April 21, 2026 6:00-8:00 pm Tuesdays


Manual equals creative control. This eight week class is all about the basics of photography and will teach you the manual functions of the camera so YOU are in control over the look of your photographs. We will break it down so that you understand how the shutter, aperture and ISO work along with exposure compensation, proper lens selection and the fundamentals of composition and design.

Take control of how your images look instead of relying on your camera’s best guess.

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Class Requirements:

  • DSLR or Mirrorless camera that allows full manual control of the camera

  • Memory card/s

  • Tripod

  • Thumb drive or external hard drive

After you are registered for the class, you will receive an email with class location and additional information.